LWML Kansas District

Led by the Holy Spirit, the LWML Kansas District will equip women to proclaim Christ, support missions, and serve the Lord with gladness.

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2024 - 2026 Mission Grants

The 2024-2026 Biennum Mission Grants are available to view on the Gospel Outreach page!

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Message from the President

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Greetings from the LWML Kansas District. We are glad you are here! We hope you find something of interest and that your walk of faith gives you peace beyond understanding.

To God be the Glory as we Serve the Lord With Gladness. (Psalm 100:2)

Elaine Engelman
LWML Kansas District President
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.  John 14:27

Upcoming Events

Zone Events
September 21: Manhattan, Northeast
September 28: Southeast, Wichita
October 5: Topeka
October 12: Lincoln, Northwest
October 19: Hutchinson, KC Crossroads
October 20: Linn
October 26: Herrington

November 1-2
EC Meeting, Manhattan, KS

December 1
Names for zone delegates to the 2025 Convention due to President Elaine

December 15
Applications for YWRs to the LWML National Convention in Omaha, Nebraska.
YWR Application and Information
2025 Convention Information

primary focus 2022 2024


The Kansas Sonshine
LWML Quarterly
Social Media

Caring Service

Servant Events
Service Projects

Christian Life

Bible Studies
Program Planning

Gospel Outreach

Mission Grants
Financial Aid

Organizational Resources

LWML Resources

Special Focus Ministry

Young Women in Mission
Heart 2 Heart Sisters
Church Workers in Mission